It was one of those parties, where i knew half of the people, and to be honest I only went because my best friend was spending her evening being romantic with her girlfriend. I was one of the first arriving to the party, with some okey beers and feeling like I probably would leave early. When I came to the party I attacked the snacktable while drinking one of those beers I had brought. Feeling sort of content. Zoe, an old friend entered and she brought a friend with her, he was tall and for some reason he caught my eye. He wasn't classically good looking and darn, I don't think that boy had seen the inside of the gym in years, if ever. Considering I am not a superfical person, I didn't really care. He just looked so confident when he came over to me, and the only reason he came over my way was because Zoe just had entered the room behind me and I had closed the door behind her. I smiled at him when he came over, he looked down on me, he had quite some hight on me.
"Nope, you can't come in here" I told him, teasingly, for some reason I wanted to tease him, "but you can grab a beer over in the fridge" I pointed him towards the fridge where I know there was an abundance of beer to be drank. I guess he was thirsty, or maybe the prospect of being caught talking to a strange girl with a somewhat hostile attitude wasn't his kind of night, so he went over to the fridge and got a beer. Right about the time when he had grabbed the beer Zoe opened the door and looked around, saw him and called him over. She introduced us and I still couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to tease him, maybe it was the shot I had taken when i entered the party, or the three beers that had followed the shot. Maybe it was just sheer attraction, because I kept on ending up besides him, just to chit chat, and everyone that knows me, knows that I am more than terrible at chit chats. Another friend poored me a stiff whiskey, I gave it to him. He seemed to be surprised, and so was I. I jokingly stole his beanie, it was bright red and warm on my head. I probably looked like a fool in it. We all sat around and talked, and all of a sudden I relised I was holding his hand, I don't know if he had taken mine, or if I had reached for his. We sat there and our fingers weaved together, and I didn't know what to say, and still I kept on tlaking, just because I could.
The party went on, people came and left, and I found myself sitting in his lap, at that point I knew I wasn't going home alone, and when our mutual friend left, she hugged us and said bye. We left, alsmost last, I walked with him, I probably more or less bopped up and down, because that's how I walk. I can't walk in a straight line, not even when I am sober. I kissed him, or he kissed me, I don't know. But to be honest, I am quite sure that I kissed him and he kisssed me back.
My roomate tells me I fall to hard and too fast, She's probably right, she's often right. I like this boy, I do like him and I will awkwardly meet him again, and I will awkwardly kiss him, and then I will run away from him.
Because my heart belongs elsewhere
"Nope, you can't come in here" I told him, teasingly, for some reason I wanted to tease him, "but you can grab a beer over in the fridge" I pointed him towards the fridge where I know there was an abundance of beer to be drank. I guess he was thirsty, or maybe the prospect of being caught talking to a strange girl with a somewhat hostile attitude wasn't his kind of night, so he went over to the fridge and got a beer. Right about the time when he had grabbed the beer Zoe opened the door and looked around, saw him and called him over. She introduced us and I still couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to tease him, maybe it was the shot I had taken when i entered the party, or the three beers that had followed the shot. Maybe it was just sheer attraction, because I kept on ending up besides him, just to chit chat, and everyone that knows me, knows that I am more than terrible at chit chats. Another friend poored me a stiff whiskey, I gave it to him. He seemed to be surprised, and so was I. I jokingly stole his beanie, it was bright red and warm on my head. I probably looked like a fool in it. We all sat around and talked, and all of a sudden I relised I was holding his hand, I don't know if he had taken mine, or if I had reached for his. We sat there and our fingers weaved together, and I didn't know what to say, and still I kept on tlaking, just because I could.
The party went on, people came and left, and I found myself sitting in his lap, at that point I knew I wasn't going home alone, and when our mutual friend left, she hugged us and said bye. We left, alsmost last, I walked with him, I probably more or less bopped up and down, because that's how I walk. I can't walk in a straight line, not even when I am sober. I kissed him, or he kissed me, I don't know. But to be honest, I am quite sure that I kissed him and he kisssed me back.
My roomate tells me I fall to hard and too fast, She's probably right, she's often right. I like this boy, I do like him and I will awkwardly meet him again, and I will awkwardly kiss him, and then I will run away from him.
Because my heart belongs elsewhere
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