Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Svartsjukan och jag
Hon tycker det är ointressant... coh ajg vill slå dem alla i bitar
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
mitt huvud och jag
Sunday, September 19, 2010
En dag som denna och jag
Jag tyckte det var illa nog att Kristendemokraterna och deras homofobiska agenda har en plats i riksdagen... nu kom ytterligare 5,6 procent enheter i spel...
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Dået och jaget
Augusti 2008 och jag
Körde till Drottningholm, delade ut psalmböcker sjöng med, väldigt falskt, försökte hålla mig för skratt när min far läste förbön. Det var det mest religösa jag hört honom säga i hela sitt liv... men de säger ju att när faen bli gammal blir han religös... Sedan hällde de vatten på systers huvud och hon heter numera något som rimmar.
Champange i höga glas i Bromma, log och skrattade, konverserade och log lite mera i svart klänning med goldbroderier och guldsandalettter. De flesta var brunare än jag, vad kan det bero på?
2008 Summer and me
I cracked jokes because I wanted you to laugh, free and full of joy. I never wanted to see you cry, I hurt like you when she said hurtful things. No one hurts my Summer, because Summer is full of sun, joy and light and not frozen in the darkness of the winter like me. I never asked to be winter, I just am, I am nothing but cold winter. I am a snowstorm and you melt me away leave me bare and naked and I don’t care that I am melting. You make me feel warm, just swept away by a Summer breeze…
Monday, August 30, 2010
Last rays of sun and me
The pre-fall has an air of promises of dark nights in the arms of the one you love. Still that summer love will leave you , in the last rays of summer sun.
She will tell you that she has matters elsewhere and she will walk out of your life.
You will be left sitting in a Cafe staring into rain and falling leaves.
Your dreams and hopes just fell into the fall, and your tears are just like the rain on the window.
The fall is complete.
The dreams of her and me
I couldn’t tell if she was thrilled or bothered by me asking, and I did not want to bother her with my questions, so I just came the night she took me. And now I did not know if I regretted it or not, her face covered in make-up made her into a creature I did not recognize, her body so familiar to me felt like the body of a stranger, restricted in a corset, stays and her feet in pointy heels, making her a head taller than me.
She took her clothes off on stage, with a greater feeling than she ever did in our bedroom, she smiled seductive towards the audience but I knew her eyes were seeking mine, all the doubts I ever had about her loving me were gone, in the second out eyes locked and our souls kissed. Her bra dropped and her tassels twirled, the adience was quiet and I knew she was mine. Forever and ever and ever…
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Över gränsen och jag
¨Jag elsker dig¨
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I am about to cross a bridge, I will cross water and I will look out the window and I will be home, but far from home, I have fallen in love with the gritty city on the other side of the sound. A place where you still can find apartments with shared bathrooms in the hallway, a place were the perfection of the society didn’t reach, not all the way.
I am not perfect, and I can find a peace in the absence of perfection, in the grittyness, in the drunk Greenlander on the street and a slight continental colonial air that surrounds the smoking hooker on the corner. Perfection and the search for such makes me choke and hide, I am everything but perfect, so I have been told, over and over and over again...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My lady and me
are for now
Saturday, July 10, 2010
fuck it and me
Damn it!
Friday, July 9, 2010
We met again and me
I ran around, couldn't find her, until she saw me, and I saw her. We walked into each others arms, and it sealed the deal.
I think we are in love now...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Did you know that and I
Maybe once, a long time ago when we met we both wanted to die, I hated the world, mostly because I hated myself at the most.
I used to wish that I was just like common people, and I am not like common people, my eyes see the world different, someone bent and shaped me different, and I could see through people... I was never good at faking. I could only play along, I could never be the lead actress, because I always knew that a battle was lost or won before it began...
and there is no charm in always being right
So I know that when she tells me that Switzerland allows assisted suicide, that means nothing... absolutley nothing but a conversation starter... for now...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Bloody nose and I
When she arrived I was by myself with the empty whiskey bottle and still chewing on a pretzel, and I was about as shy as her. She took my hand and I followed. I woke up in the early morning, alcohol still making my world fuzzy around the edges and a slight headache, and all of a sudden my nose started bleedin. No trickeling, no dripping, it was like a faucet, I grabbed a sock from the floor, trying to stop the blood.
It ignored me, it kept on bleeding, so there I found myself, sitting on the floor, next to a passed out naked girl with blood allover my face and just feeling awkward, hoping she would not wake up.
You said it and I
Mina drömmar och jag
Jag vet att vi ses igen, när jag somnar minns jag hennes mjuka händer på min rygg, och jag minns konturerna av hennes kropp, tätt intill min, jag minns hur hon andades mot min hals.
Vi kanske inte känner varandra, men jag drömmer om henne och hon om mig. Vi har en ocean som separerar oss, men det spelar ingen roll, för jag vet att hon är vad jag letat efter. Kanske för en minut, en timme, en dag, månad år eller kanske för resten av mitt liv. Jag vet inte vilket... men jag vet att en dag skall våra vägar åter korsas, och tills dess lever hon i mitt hjärta, i ord som blippar in elektroniskt i min dator och i känslan som lever kvar på mina fingertoppar.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Her eyes and I
A breif moment and I
and i was there
and so was she
and i didn't know
that she was the one I had been waiting for.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Summer is taking over and me

It is hot outside, and my feet are blistered, I live in a city, some people would claim it to be The City, to me it is just a city. My city is far away, with water clear and air that nourish my longing lungs. I am not there.
But I am here, and I am not one to complain, I love the humid air that makes me gasp for oxygen, I do appreciate the lack of quietness and I am one of the diverse. Women holding women close to each other and men flirting over the heads of orthodox Jews. The AC is blasting on the subway and the stench in Chinatown during the summer makes me change my walks.
Jeans in the city, I refuse, we all refuse, and slowly I have taken scissors to them all, made them into long shorts, and I straddle my bike no longer worried that cloth will kill me. Older ladies shaking their heads at my flip flops, but I don't care, life is to short to bother.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The smell of summer and me
It was summer and the world smelled like warm pine...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Spending time with me and me
I grew up far from where I am now, I grew up where neighborhoods were safe and children played on the streets. I grew up with clean tap water, bruised knees, lakes on sea and sailing. I dreamed of that place the other night, I remembered how it all smelled, I remembered walking to school. I was eight years old and i walked with two of my best friends, we took short cuts over peoples backyards, we laughed and climbed. If we ran into someone that lived in the house they would smile at us and we would giggling ran away. My knees were skinned and hands and feet hardened by climbing everything that came in my way, I lived a dream that I did not know was a dream. I wore Carl Larsson dresses and I someone put a spider in my little brothers hair. I had a lisp as a child and they tried to make me understand why 16.00 was the same as 4pm. I was a studious child with and imagination way beyond, I loved every book to bits and pieces and I could see through people.
Your life will never be easy when you can read people like open books, not when empathy runs in your blood. I do think that I might have won in the long run, I might have never loved and I might have lost a lot, but I am still standing.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Spending time with the Finn and me
I had to give her that, she really knew where all the nice coffee shops were, but we just had nothing in common, we shared nothing but the mere fact that we both had been born in Scandinavia and both missed our homes of origin. Even if her conversation seemed to drift towards wanting to move to my hometown. She wanted to get out of this loud and obnoxious town, and she asked if I knew any designers in Stockholm. I shook my head, but told her I might know some people in advertising. The Finn is a very tiny girl, she is delicate and dies her hair black, I wonder if you have to die your hair black to be an artist, maybe that is why I never really got into art, my hair just wouldn't turn black, it just turned all sorts of greenish dark.
The Finn let me know she was exhausted and she wanted more coffee, but her stomach just couldn't take anymore coffee. A typyical complain, just to complain, it wasn't even funny, cynical or anythign that mattered. She told me my stomach must be made out of tin, since I consumed a very redicoulus amount of coffee.
'Oh yeah' I thought to myself while trying to imagine what I would look like if I was all made out of tin. I laughed at myself, and the Finn looked at me as if I was crazy and I silently hoped she just hadn't told me about her father dying or something tragic. Aperently that wasn't the case and she kept on talking while I started to study a girl sitting in a corner reading a book. I wished I was her and longed after my book that was tucked into my bag under the table.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Times you left me behind and I
A last glance at each other and I took a few sprinting steps and lept into the dark waiting water, I let my body rush into the welcoming coolness, the sudden splash breaking the stillness being repalced by the complete quietness of the underwater world. My mind fled for a second, before I broke the surface and once again became one of all of us. My friends laughed, one made out with the boy she had met at the club. I laughed and let my body relax, I saw the first rays of sun break the dawn.
I think I loved and hated my life in that moment, it smelled like morning, and soon I would be walking home thru a sleeping bright city. On the way home I picked daisies out of the public flowerpots, kicked over by a drunk, dying on the streets, for someone that wasn't waiting for me at home.
So you said and I
'My back hurts' I made a face as I told her that, a funny face, but at the same time I knew she could read all that pain I actually was feeling into it.
'Too much skating, you really should take it easier on yourself' she put her hand on my shoulder.
I shrugged, I hated when she had opinions on my chosen life, I currently did exactly what I wanted, and skating was my passion, drugs or no drugs. She leaned over and grabbed a cigarette from the nightstand, I could tell she was tired, not at all wanting to get out of bed. I hated the taste and smell of cigarettes in the morning.
'Babe, will you grab me the lighter' she gave me the puppydog face, and of course I could not say no to her.
'I hate when you smoke in bed, especially on early mornings, it's so fucking tacky' I said while I reached over and grabbed a lighter out of her pants on the floor.
'Uhhh, uhhhmm' she nodded while she lit her cigarette and blew the smoke my way. 'I guess I am a real tacky girl, good thing I have a body to die for and that keeps you around' she started laughing.
'Gross, you are such a bitch',I glared at her jokingly.
'Gross? You think I am big, think I am fat??' she was refering to the German word Grosse that meant large. It sounded adorable in her accent, I was stille disghusted by her cigarette, but knew better than to bring it up again.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Falling down and me
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Who do you think you are and me
The longer version and me
The structures around me were new in one sense but ancient in another, there were the impressive parade streets with a whiff of Communist glory glaring at me, and there was the few houses that outlived the RAF furious bombs. It fascinated me, I went to all the well-known clubs and danced myself away, I drank too much, I smoked too much, and to drink more I popped tiny pills that made my feet move faster. I fell into a world that lived hastily during the nights and in slow motion during the days. I hid my eyes behind sunglasses, I learned the lesson, if you go out in the night, and you still need the sunglasses for the morning.
It was what it was, that summer I found myself outside the same club every weekend and sometimes during the weekdays. The building was huge, a block of cement, probably build as a factory a long time ago, it was situated real close to the former wall that had parted the city. The line to the place was always long, and I heard stories about how others been turned around at the door, it had never happened to me, it would never happen to me. My svelte blond appearance was just right, and the gray walls of cement were calling my name, I knew it just as much as the bouncer knew it. I stood in the line, already a little high, I wasn't one of those who would try to score drugs inside the walls, I knew better than to put the tiny pills in my pocket. I knew that cameras would be confiscated and so would any drugs. The masters of the waiting building knew better than to allow a to large amount of drugs to flow in, still we all knew that there was everywhere and at one point of the night we all would breath it and so be it. I had two little Mitsubishis neatly tucked into a hole that I had cut in my bra, the only reason I would ever wear a bra. Complete strip searches were not going to happen, it never did. I still felt the adrenalin heighten in my system when a thoroughly pierced man felt my little gay Asian up, and a woman of short statue patted my pockets down. I giggled to myself, this was the closest I had come to any sort of physical touching in a long time, if the nights I spent sleeping next to the Gaysian didn’t count. The lady and the man seemed pleased and I gave a third person my money and entered.
The rooms were darker than the summer night outside and music filled our ears, heads and bodies when we walked up the narrow staircase into a gigantic room of people dancing. The floors were cold, dirty, cement and the walls bounced the music around, bounced it into my eardrums and out again, it let me twirl my finger. I was nervy as always, I wanted something more, I grabbed Cookies arm and dragged her to the bar. Sweaty bodies pressed themselves closer to us, my feet followed the monotone rhythm, and after a few minutes I reached the bar. Cookie was lost, but I had a feeling she would show up by the time I had gotten us drinks, she would never miss an opportunity for a free drink. Cookie was ten years my seniors and grew up in East Germany, she had glorious stories about her first blue jeans and climbing the Berlin wall when it fall! I think Cookie might have worked as a real estate agent, but I was not really sure, she was gone during weekdays, and in the weekends she would dance the nights always with me, she seemed to know half of the city and she would drag younger men to the apartment and take baths with them in the bathtub. I would long for something, but most of the time I would spend with gay boys, because they had the drugs, they had the connections and they always knew where the party where. I think I might have impressed people, I don’t know if it was my long legs, my bleached hair or my constant smile. But I never got turned away and I had a thousand numbers in my phone, numbers I did not remember how they gotten there, numbers I never called.
Standing in the bar I felt a pang of loneliness, surrounded by thousand, knowing that they wanted me, I still wanted nothing of it. To stop the slowly occurring panic attack I lit a cigarette, the harsh smoke of a filtered Camel soothed my lungs, thoughts, body and the swift high of nicotine brought me back and forth to reality and the panic faded away. I leaned over the bar and shouted to a feminine male bartender that I wanted two glasses of 'Sekt auf Eis'. The bartender ignored me for a microsecond, until he decided that I was worth his time, served me my drinks and I gave him a cigarette and paid in cash. Cash was king at this place, nights in this city cash ruled everything, and in the end of the night we always stuck our hands deep in the pockets to find the last heavy coins to pay the last drinks before we had to head into the sun, put our sunglasses on that currently were tucked away in Cookies purse.
- Sonnenbrillen! Essentials! my roommate Cookie told me the first weekend in the city and fill my glass up with more cheap Sekt. When we couldn't afford Sekt, we would just drink wine with sparkling water, secretly I prefered that. We would first order "Sekt auf Eis" just to switch over to "Weineschorle" as the night progressed.
I slammed my bubbly bevarage and joined the people on the floor, my feet danced, my mind slowly drifting away with the beat, I existed, and that was all I asked for. As always the reality knocked me back and I went over to the bar, hastily got a beer and took off to find someone I knew, feeling alone again.
The bass was constant, the building buzzing with music, a relentless beat, an electronic shadow that made it through the night into the early morning passing noon. The motto of the city was not to let the sun go down on them and then they ignored that it went up.
I turned around, and there he was, my little Gaysian, making out with a pale boy who did not seem gay at all, except for that tiny fact that he made out with another boy. I lost my interest and scanned the room, I saw a girl, looking so classy in the rough environment. Skinny to the bone, with black clothes that showed a little more style and concern than most. Right when she was about to pass me, I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned her hazel eyes to me.
- Hallo, was los? I smiled at her
- Party machen, she responded, making party, a genius way of Germans expressing that they are partying.
- Klar, viel Spass, my German sort of sucked and I was slightly intoxicated at this point, I actually did not feel like carrying on a conversation in a language I barely spoke sober.
- Where are you from, the girl probably had gotten the hint that my German sucked so she nicely switched over to English.
- Oh, I am currently living in America; you know that big country with big burgers and bad music, I joked back, studying her body.
- Hot, she scanned my face and asked if I came here often. I laughed at the cliché question.
- Well, depending who you ask, I might come here to often, at least that is what my mother would say, I took a swig of my beer and noticed that my Gaysian had pinned the little scrawny boy against the wall, and was grouping him. The girl followed my gaze.
- Is that your boyfriend? I could tell she was mocking me
- Well, he is a boy and he is my friend, so yeah, we can call him my boyfriend, I smiled back at her and then retorted with asking her if she was jealous.
- Oh, well, not jealous, but a little disappointed…
I felt how my legs were getting antsy, and I felt that it was time to get back to the dance floor, and I really thought this girl was cute, straight or not. So I took her hand and winked in an overexaggerated way while bowing my head .
- Could I escort milady to the dance floor? My question made the girl laugh, but she followed me out onto the cement floor, already full of sweaty bodies dancing, moving, jumping to a beat that could be considered as monotone, if it wasn’t the fact that it broke off into little musical whimsical side beats over and over again. We danced for hours, maybe minutes; time didn’t really matter, and couldn’t really be trusted. She grabbed my hand and dragged me off into one of the many nucks of the building, I turned my head away from three men fondling each other, not that I minded to glance at a penis at times, but it was just to graphic. The girl told me her name was Julia; she was Israeli but had lived in the city for a long time. We leaned against the cold cement wall and shared a crushed cigarette that I had fished out of my sweaty backpocket, blowing smoke rings into nothingness and tapping our feet to the beat. She laid her arms around me, first shyly and then she stepped closer.
She smelled just the way I had imagined, her arms strong around me, embracing me, holding me tightly, as if she was trying to save me from the world I was already lost to. She whispered into my ear, it tickled and I felt how I unwilling smiled, how my tense face turned soft for a minute. I pulled her closer. My hands found the gap between her shirt and slim jeans and I let them edge under, to reach the warm and soft skin on her skinny back. She bent her head back, tilted it and gazed up on me. I felt reality hit me, the drugs pumping thru my veins was overpowered by an intense feeling that I belonged, belonged in her arms, in this minute, that my world could be her world, or rather her world to be mine.
Her t-shirt was washed-out-black, and the smell of detergent lingered in the fabric that hung off her shoulders. My eyes locked with hers and she saw me, at least she tried. My eyes as blue as Mälaren in the summer, black make-up artfully smeared around eyes that were dry even when I wanted to cry. She leaned over and kissed me gently, I felt her lips so soft it sent shocks down my spine, I could taste the salt on them, my body pressed itself a little closer to hers, she reacted by intensifying the kiss, slowly letting her tongue tenderly exploring the inside of my mouth. Like an insect stuck to a cling, I was plastered to her body, wanting to get away but paralyzed by desire and shock. Saying she had me at hello would be a lie, but I was hers for this moment and hours to come. I reached into my bra and got the two little pills out, gave her one and together we did let go of the world.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
And the summer continued and
The rooms were darker than the summer night outside and music filled our ears, heads and bodies when we walked up the narrow staircase. The floors were cold cement and the walls bounced the music around, bounced it into my eardrums and out again, it let me twirl my finger. I was nervy as always, I wanted something more, I grabbed Cookies arm and dragged her to the bar. Sweaty bodies pressed themselves closer to us, my feet followed the monotone rhythm, and after a few minutes I reached the bar. To stop a slowly occurring panic attack I lit a cigarette, the harsh smoke of a filtered Camel soothed my lungs, thoughts, body and the sudden high of nicotine brought me back and forth to reality. I leaned over the bar and shouted to a feminine bartender that I wanted two glasses of 'Sekt auf Eis'. The bartender ignored me for a microsecond, until he decided that I was worth his time, served me my drinks and I gave him a cigarette and paid in cash. Cash was king at this place, nights in this city cash ruled everything, and in the end of the night we always stuck our hands deep in the pockets to find the last heavy coins to pay the last drinks before we had to head into the light put our sunglasses.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
In a big building and I
I turned around, and there he was, my little Asian gay boy, making out with a pale boy who did not seem gay at all, except for that tiny fact that he made out with another boy. I lost my interest real fast and looked around, I saw a girl, looking so classy in the rough environment. Skinny to the bone, with black clothes that showed a little more style and concern than most.
- Hallo, was los? I smiled at her
- Party machen, she responded, making party, a genius way of Germans expressing that they are partying.
- Klar, viel Spass, my German sort of sucked and I was slightly intoxicated at this point, I actually did not feel like carrying on a conversation in a language I barely spoke sober.
- Where are you from, the girl probably had gotten the hint that my German sucked so she nicely switched over to English.
- Oh, I am currently living in America; you know that big country with big burgers and bad music, I joked back, studying her body.
- Hot, she scanned my face and asked if I came here often. I laughed at the cliché question.
- Well, depending who you ask, I might come here to often, at least that is what my mother would say, I took a swig of my beer and noticed that my Asian little gay boy had pinned the little scrawny boy against the wall, and was grouping him. The girl followed my gaze.
- Is that your boyfriend? I could tell she was mocking me
- Well, he is a boy and he is my friend, so yeah, we can call him my boyfriend, I smiled back at her and then retorted with asking her if she was jealous.
- Oh, well, not jealous, but a little disappointed…
I felt how my legs were getting antsy, and I felt that it was time to get back to the dance floor, and I really thought this girl was cute, straight or not. So I took her hand and winked in an over exaggerated way while bowing my head .
- Could I escort milady to the dance floor? My question made the girl laugh, but she followed me out onto the cement floor, already full of sweaty men and women dancing to a beat that could be seen as monotone, if it wasn’t the fact that it broke off into little musical whimsical side beats over and over again.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The kiss and I
I felt reality hit me, the drugs pumping thru my veins was overpowered by an intense feeling that I belonged, belonged in those arms, in this minute, that my world could be his world, or rather our world.
The memory of pale morning light in a kitchen and a casual breakfast hit my brain, as a child having toasted slices of bread, jam and an abundance of butter, being safe. This moment was just like that, as if I was sinking my teeth into buttered toasted bread and jam, delightful and satisfying.
His t-shirt was simply white and detergent lingered in the fabric that stretched over his chest. My eyes locked with him and he saw me, really tried at least. My eyes as blue as the Michigan lake in the summer, black make-up artfully smeared around eyes that were dry even when I wanted to cry. He leaned over and kissed me gently, I felt lips so soft it sent shocks down my spine, I could taste the salt on his lips, from the sweat that now was drying on our bodies, I could feel how my body just pressed itself a little closer, how he reacted by intensifying the kiss, I was plastered to his body, wanting to get away but paralyzed by desire and shock. Saying he had me at hello would be a lie, but I was his for this moment and hours to come.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
That book and you
You looked at the book, your ex had lend it to you, and you read it, you liked it, it was a real good book, you knew that you should give it back to her. But in some sort of twisted way it felt so much better to bring it to Half Price Books and sell it. For those three dollars you would buy a cheap beer, of the brand that she drank, and pour it out on the ground. Bitterness is a strange feeling, and you seldom would submit to it, but once in a while you had to, because it made you feel better. You hated that she had such an impact on you, bitter that she had left any feelings behind; we all knew it was the total lack of closure that made you hurt.
She had told you loving words just a week before, just to turn around, as if you meant nothing to her. You cried when no one saw you, you treated women just the way she had treated you, but it never made you feel any better. You moved almost a continent away from her, but the thoughts of her would come and knock on your mind, as unwelcome as any Jehovah Witness on your door. Selling her book and pouring that beer out made you strangely happy and filled you with a strange calmness but you would always wonder why she lied to you so deeply, and never told you why.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Stranded and me
It was the middle of the day, they had been driving for quite a while when Petra started to swear. I was used to Petra’s moodiness and didn’t really pay any attention to the sudden outbreak; I just leaned back in the cool car and closed my eyes. There was only miles and miles of burnt desert outside the windows, I had seen it for hours already, and I was dehydrated and hungover.
“What the fuck Mia, the freaking engine just stopped” Petra looked at me, as if I knew something about the expensive car we had borrowed slash stolen from her father.
“Seriously Petra, you are the butch one, aren’t you supposed to know things about cars” I half jokingly said to her. Petra did not seem to appreciate my comment.
“You are such waste” she declared with a frown and kicked the cardoor open, the hot Nevada desert instantly invaded the car. I gasped, ever since I was a kid I couldn’t stand heat. I was thinking about something to reply to her when I saw a car far away on the highway, so I turned my head over and suggested that maybe Petra should flag the oncoming car down for us and please shut the door, so I at least could try to save some of the last cold air in the car. She ran her hand thru her short dark hair and exited the car with a grace, which was the reason I had fallen for her in the first place. Petra had the grace that few people were born with, when she walked she reminded me of a cat. Her olive skin glistering in the sun and the lean muscular body made me miss the days when we first met and we were both mysteries to each other.
I saw how she was waving her hands at the oncoming car, I also saw the car pass her, pissing her off, stomping the ground and kicking the dirt around. Petra was not the patient type, and nor was I, the car started to get hot and the Nevada June sun was just about to reach zenith. Fuck this, I thought to myself and opened the car door, just to regret it at the same second, the air was dry but hotter than in an oven, it sucked the moister out of my lungs and made me gasp. “Fuck this” this time I said it out loud, and it made Petra turn around, glaring at me, I shook my head.
“Why the hell did we think this was a good idea?” I don’t even know why I asked her the question, we both knew the answer, we had been high, on life, on coke, on wine on gambling on anything that Vegas had nurtured us with the past 42 hours. Showgirls had danced around us in VIP lounges where Petra had used her father’s credit card, and I had merely followed, with an amazement and excitement that I didn’t know I was capable of. Petra had invited strippers to our room, she did not seem to think that anything was over the top, and I was never the girl to turn down some fun. Sometimes I saw a strike of sadness in her eyes and I would lay my arms around her, for a second she would rest her head on my shoulder, just to seconds later shake her head and order a bottle of champagne.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Early mornings in the city and me
I continue to walk, I smile at two police officers that pass me while I slowly guide myself to my nest. Early mornings in the city, the smell of asphalt warming up, the sound of stores unlocking, and the few ghosltly walkers, in last nights make-up, finding their way from warm bodies and last nights promises.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
It is almost summer and me
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Summer in the city and me
Summer was hesitating, and the rain poured down outside my window, and it threw me into a sad, sad mode, made me want to hurt myself, and by hurting myself I would usually turn to the bottle. I was just too lazy to do any other damage to my body, I think my laziness have saved me at tines. If I wasn’t as lazy as I am I probably be a heavy drug user and be covered of tattoos and scars by now. But me being lazy just made the whole thing to get to a needle place so far fetched and scoring drugs always seemed like such a task, when I could just lay in the rain and drink one, two, three, four, five beers and just watch the world melt away outside my window.
Occasionally I would draw on myself, I have someone draw on me, and then I would sometimes submit myself to really bad sex, but that was about it. Bad sex and fake tattoos. Sometimes friends would feed me drugs, and during one hot summer I actually took it upon myself to hang out with a speed dealer. Well, I admit he was in love with my little Asian gay boy, and Asian gay boy would giggle and say he loved me, so I never felt bad about sitting in a park snorting free lines and once in a while rummage my pocket for some spare change to give to the strung out guys.
My German really improved that summer, and so did my desire to get away from myself, to stop riding the U-bahn in rain thru the outskirts of a former war torn city. The structures around me where new in one sense but ancient in another, there were the impressive parade streets with a whiff of Communist glory glaring at me, and there was the few houses that outlived the RAF furious bombs, It fascinated me, I went to all the well known clubs and danced myself away, I drank too much, I smoked too much, and to drink more I popped tiny pills that made my feet move faster. I fell into a world that lived hastily during the nights and in slow motion during the days. I hid my eyes behind sunglasses, I learned the lesson, if you go out in the night, and you still need the sunglasses for the morning.
"Essentials!" my roommate Kaka would tell me and fill my glass up with more cheap fake Champagne. When we couldn't afford that, we would just drink wine with sparkling water that was almost the best. We would first order "Sect auf Eis" just to switch over to "Wineschorle" as the night progressed. Kaka was ten years my seniors and grew up in East Germany, she had glorious stories about her first blue jeans and climbing the Berlin wall when it fall! I think Kaka might have worked as a real estate agent, but I was not really sure, she was gone during weekdays, and in the weekends she would dance the nights always with me, she seemed to know half of the city and she would drag younger men to the apartment and take baths with them in the bathtub. I would long for something, but most of the time I would spend with gay boys, because they had the drugs, they had the connections and they always knew where the party where. I think I might have impressed people, I don’t know if it was my long legs, my bleached hair or my constant smile. But I never got turned away and I had a thousand numbers in my phone, numbers I did not remember how they gotten there, numbers I never called.
I met a male model who I had mutual friends with, I think he was getting drugs from a friend, I met an amazing girl and tried to talk her into skinny dipping in the polluted river. I might have forgotten what the sun looked like, if it wasn’t that I had to make it to lectures once in a while. I bought a striped dress that hung sexy of my body, and I felt like Blondie when I danced another night away and Kaka dragged home a new guy, swearing that he was the one, and I kept on sleeping on the couch in the living room.
One day it all came to an end, that was probably for the best... for all of us!
De få och jag
Men mannen från lägenheten bredvid, hans magi är fortfarande stark, nu är han tillbaka i landet. Men i en annan del... och jag är manad att åka...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Just the night and me
The light in their bedroom window was on all night. I just sat watching them, they seemed so in love, and I was jealous, I wanted to be just like them. But I was sitting in the apartment across the street, alone, as always. I would once in a while join an Internet dating site, in the hopes of a man or a woman to contact me and ask for a date. It never happened.I went out to the bars, wearind something nice, hoping for someone to ask for a date, it never happened. I followed tips from Glamour and Elle, on how to get a date, it never happened.
I guess I was not the average woman, not the woman that anyone would just approach and ask for a date, I was the type of woman that drunk men at bars would asked to fuck, but in a more sincere and in a slightly more polite way. I did not look like any of the plastic blondes in Playboy or Hustler; I just had this air of sex around me, maybe because I so seldom submitted myself to the activity. It mostly bores me, the act of pretended love and worlds of lies and untrue feelings.
I watched this couple, how their love was so genuine and still so raw, it surprised me, since I long ago had given up on love. I sat and drank expensive wine and watched their hands found each other, and how their bodies melted together. I saw how they lay face-to-face, just talking hours and hours away, while I was just getting more intoxicated. I sometimes thought that I would be better off if I left my apartment for other things than grocery, work and the gym, but I did not want to miss my nights with them.
The couple slowly became an obsession, the nights when only the man slept there, I was greatly disappointed and I would slip myself a sleeping pill or two, otherwise my mind would continue to ask, why, why, why the woman was not there. Even if I very well knew that the man was the owner of the small studio and she probably had another place she called a home.
It made me more and more depressed when I noticed how their loving glances became fewer, and how their love seemed to change. I watched how they turned away from each other in their sleep, I noticed how they no longer stayed up all night just to talk, and how she never gave him coffee in bed anymore. I noticed how they no longer came home late nights to drunkingly undress each other and I noticed how she no longer smiled in her sleep.
And one day it came, what had I feared. I saw, how their eyes were filled with boredom, but also with tears, how the end was near. Her eyes with anger and slight regret, I saw how her mouth opened and shouted, I saw his tense back, how he pointed towards the door, or where I thought the door must be. She threw something at him, something small and glimmering, turned her back and walked out of my life. For many nights I sat and stared at him sleeping, lonely, hugging his pillow, I hoped that she would come back, but she never did.
(Art by Nathalia Edenmont)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
En sen konversation med vin över internet och jag
Det är svårt, skrev jag
Det har jag förstått, svarade han
Jag skrattade lite för mig själv, eftersom allt är relativt...
men svarade:
Man är lätt och svår på samma gång, ärlig och rolig, sexig och kul, nonchalant och sarkastisk men öm och mjuk... något sådant brukar funka...
Eller så proppar mig mig full med MDMA och viskar saker med fransk brytning i mitt öra (fast den har bara funkat en gång, så jag lovar inte att den har någon effekt)
Fast ibland räcker det med att jag bara är kär...
Friday, March 5, 2010
Vodka Tonic och jag
the tired light of the early autum sun trickles into the room
her arms around him
his legs around her
her hair knotted into his
his breath in hers
naked bodies, snuggled tight
a lack of knowledge of who he really was
of who she might be
she knew how he tasted
he knew what her tounge felt like
he knew she had a witty mind - last night
she knew he had a funny laught - last night
vodka tonic
vodka water
the night went on
-let's drain our brains, let it be tonight, they said
now the early moring wakes them up, a new day came around,
they kissed
he smile
she smiled
and that was it
När det regnade och jag
it's like God decided to cry
over the armpit of Washington State
It's grey, it's dark, it's fantastic
but depressingly great
I listen to music
and doodle
I wish I could sing
because then I'd write a song
it would be finnish techno
(November 2006)
November 2007 och jag
i am what i always been
still night smells
like day
and day sounds
like night
i am what you forgot i am
i was what you expected
and more
i have time
hell freezes over
and i will laugh
heaven melts
and i will cry
did you know
Nattliga samtal och jag
- MMMmmmm, mumlar jag lite avståndstagande
- Få känna din varma kropp mot min, hans röst börjar lite otålig
- Åh vad trevligt, svarar jag glättigt
- Jag vill känna din läppar mot mina, försöker han med en lätt erotisk underton
- Oh, vad trevligt säger jag frånvarande men med en lätt sarkastisk underton
- Hörru, trevligt är inte precis ordet jag vill höra, jag hör irritationen i hans röst
- Jamen duuu... jag har ju redan sagt till dig, jag är ingen du borde tycka om, det kommer inte bli något. Det var jättetrevligt, tack och hej, jag hör hur gammal bitterhet sipprar in i min röst.
- Faen ta dig! Varför låtsades du ens, om du inte brydde dig ett jävla skit, nu här jag att han är riktigt arg... klick... och han har lagt på.
Jag sitter med mobilen i handen, sträcker mig efter vinglaset, känner ett jag längtar kanske lite, men vägrar att egentligen känna efter. Orkar inte bry mig, för jag vet att om jag skulle bry mig, så skulle allt falla samman och bli precis som det brukade vara. Och så länge han har flickvän orkar jag inte bry mig, för jag är för bra för att bara stå vid sidan om.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Utan problem och jag
Hon var min första riktiga flickvän. Vi var så lika och så olika, båda så rädda för ensamheten, men ännu räddare för relationer, att verkligen våga. I en tysk studentstad föll vi för varandra.
Jag visste att hon var en del av min framtid. Mitt hår var långt, jag köpte lurviga moonboots och vandrade runt i ett tyskt vinterlandskap i ylleshorts. Vi turades om att se till att den andra åt och inte enbart levde på vin och fernet, det var hon och jag mot världen. Vi utmanade varandra i att dricka en meter öl, i vem som kunde flest tyska verb och vem som kunde få vår tyska lärarinna att skratta eller rodna mest. Vi kysstes offentligt, för att i nästa minut vända oss om till någon annan stackars student och ge uttryck för hur illa vi tyckte om homosexuella. Vi var ett motsägelsefullt par, men vi båda ägde en sällsam charm.
Vi reste till min hemstad, hon kysste någon annan på ett stökigt dansgolv, grät senare mot mitt bröst, över att hon alltid skulle förstöra allt. Jag älskade henne redan då, jag visste att hon aldrig skulle lämna mig, jag trodde att vi alltid skulle får varandra att skratta.
Tills min svartsjuka och hennes rädsla sakta drev oss isär. Men det var många månader senare, vi tynade bort i varandras närhet, jag vägrade äta och hon vägrade äta eller prata med mig. Jag drack kaffe, kaffe, vitt vin och tänkte att jag lever nog inte länge till, ville inte leva länge till. Smärtan när hon och jag inte längre var hon och jag, var som att förlora en del av mig själv, och det självhat jag närt i så många år fick blomma ut till fullo i två långa år.
(bilden är från Fuck yeah dykes)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Fjolljollen och jag
Jag minns den natten, hur svetten klibbade, hur det var sommar i Sverige och natten blev aldrig natt, och jag levde i ständig skymmning och bakfylla.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Email och jag
Friday, February 19, 2010
Mannen i lägenheten bredvid och jag
Visst sa mannen i lägenheten bredvid, eller vänta, eller kanske inte, eller jag vet inte vad.
Det hela slutade för det mesta att vi drack för mycket Guinness, han tog av sig manshettknapparna och jag somnade tätt intill honom. Han var en sådan som alltid luktade rent, som hade strukna t-shirts, stärkta kragar och pressveck. Han var så tråkig att han blev spännande, han var byggnadsingengör och älskade broar och tulpaner, så jag lämnade tulpaner i alla dess former på hans dörrmatta.
Du tycker inte alls om mig egentligen ville han mena på.
Det är det väl upp till mig att bestämma alldeles själv sa jag alltid morskt.
Men du är ju lesbisk svarade han alltid då.
Men du är ju en kvinna fångad i en mans kropp påpekade jag, och det kunde nog vara sant med tanke på att han knep ihop benen på ett sätt ingen annan man jag träffat någonsin hade gjort.
Men egentligen var han nog lika rädd för kärleken som jag, och som så många gånger förr, för det man inte har kan man inte heller förlora.
Skrivandet och jag
Min mor sa till mig idag, ta den tid du behöver, skriv ordentligt, ta en kurs, få det ur dig... jag tro att hon precis godkände att jag ska skriva. Så håll i er nu vänner och er jag inte känner, för nu börjar en resa. Mitt Amerikatt och jag skall den heta, men fråga mig inte var den skall börja.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hemlösheten och jag
Jag känner mig avig och ivägen, jag sitter och tittar på deras TV och jag känner som om jag borde vara någon annanstans, inte alls i deras vardagsrum. Jag diskar när de inte är hemma, men inte all disk, för jag vet inte vart allt ska stå, jag köper mat, men vet inte riktigt vart jag ska ställa den, för det är inte mitt kylskåp och de har allt på det torra.
Idag gick jag och ansökte till skola, de sa, Oh vad trevligt, snälla kom och lär dig klippa, klistra och sy hos oss. Och det tog jag tacksamt emot...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bortappade ord och jag
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tröttheten och jag
Tiden passerar utanför fönster
som inte är mina fönster
Snön faller vit utanför...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Så blev man full och jag
Friday, February 12, 2010
Var det så du tänkt dig och jag
Påtal om ingenting och jag
Bittrare kan ingen vara, än Guds bortglämda barnaskara.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Att sakta smeka, som att glömma men fortsätta att drömma, långt från verklighetens uppvaknande.
Doften av hud mot hud, värme från kropp till kropp.
Rufsigt hår
Tätt tillsammans i natten...
Tillit och naturlig trygghet
Man vill alltid ha det man med säkerhet inte kan få, och man kan inte få något om man inte ber om det.
Närheten och jag
Gör jag rätt nu? Ska det vara så här? Det var för varmt, paniken låg som stämmband över bröstet.
Nu ligger jag och saknar, fryser lite lätt, vet att valen jag har gjort i mitt liv är mina val, och välja måste man ibland. För att om inte kärleken är besvarade, så skall man inte klänga sig fast, som den parasit man så lätt kan bli, närande på den kärlek man inte kan besvara eller ge.
Brudparet från Berlin och jag
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Att tveka och jag
Här ligger jag ensam, vaken och ganska naken.
Saknar det jag inte har, men är för feg för att be om.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Nattvandringar och jag
Varannan vatten och jag
Monday, February 8, 2010
December 2001 och jag
Hon är lycklig, hon är lycklig, hon är lycklig hon upprepar meningen som ett mantra. Hon har vänner tänker hon, ensamheten kryper sig på. Hon längtar, längtar, den är svävande, söker ett mål, ensamheten tar över.
Hon lyfter telefonen, bläddrar håglöst i adressboken, vill ringa och berätta, någon som kan dela den inneboende ensamheten och dess smärta. Hon suckar tungt, ännu ett bloss, ännu ett och hon fimpar i den överfulla burken. Hon plöjer sig fram genom den ostädade lägenheten, som ett spöke från en svunnen tid.
Vad lever hon för, frågan lika påtaglig som alltid. De flesta har nog sett hennes rop på hjälp, kanske det inte har lyssnat, orkad bry sig i en stressad tid. Hon känner knivens tyngd i handen, väger den, låter eggen glida in i äpplets skal.
Så är hon åter i soffan, tar glaset, fyller på ur flaskan, dricker och suckar lyckligt, en sådan underskattad lösning. Whiskeyn bränner, gör hennes sinne medgörligt, jagar de mörka tankarna på flykten.
I takt med att natten blir mörkare utanför ljusnar hennes sinne. Hon svävar, nu är hon vacker, nu har hon mod och kärlek. Hon smider planer, hon ska bli något stort, vacker, omtyckt, rik och omhuldad. Hon ringer, pratar, hon går ut, skrattar, dricker, ler, hälsar, kramar. Hon är inte ensam, hon är med andra, hon är som alla andra.
Morgonsolen väcker henne där hon ligger på en sliten soffa, minns inte vems, minns inte var, hon är fortfarande ensam. En varm kropp bredvid henne, ensamheten mer påtaglig än innan, avskyn för den hon är. Hennes hemlighet är mörkret, att vara annorlunda, allt det där mörkret som väller fram i tystnaden, att inte kunna älska som andra.
Hon smyger ur rummet, möter sin spegelbild, Spegelbilden talar om för henne att alkoholen gör henne inte vackrare, håret tovigare, ögonen svartare och en aura av desperation runt henne. Hon sjunker ned på golvet och gråter. Hon hör att främlingen i rummet bredvid rör sig, hon vet att tomheten som kommer att möta henne, den besvärande tystnaden. Rösten som igår var charmig och roade henne igår kommer idag titta på henne, håglöst mumla något om telefonsamtal.
Hon finner sig själv på en blåsig tunnelbanestation, nattens kyla har inte försvunnit, lyckan är borta. Hon undrar om det går fort att dö om man hoppar framför ett tåg, vet att modet inte räcker till, vet att livet i henne är för starkt.
Tunnelbanan kommer, ännu ett förlorat tillfälle, suckar och sätter sig i vagnen, på väg hem.
En gammal vän och jag
Stockholm ligger fryst utanför.
Jag vandrar över Meborgarplatsen, det snöar.
Med ena handen på barnvagnen väntar hon på mig.
Dottern gurglar.
Vi kramas, vanliga fraser, vanliga tankar.
Hon ser lycklig ut.
Sedan promenerar vi, det snöar och doften av vinter sätter sig i mitt hår.
För femton år sedan drack vi punkdunk.
Nu pratar hon blöjor och förlossnings hemmorojder.
För femton år sedan spydde vi i vitan tillsammans.
Nu har jag råd med bulle till kaffet.
Tiden förändras, tiden tickar och går, och det snöar i Stockholm.
Tysklands huvudstad och jag
En stad som aldrig sov, där vackra män låg med varandra höga på X, MDMA, alkohol och tjack, där kommunistiska paradgator varvades med intima små kvarter. Hon fann de som var som hon, som valde att aldrig sova, som vandrade till klubb till klubb som vackra, smala levande döda, de rökte cigaretter utan tänka på en morgondag, det gällde att inte glömma solglasögonen, ifall de skulle råka hamna i solens strålar under en eller två obevakade timmar då de utmattade somnade i en park, på väg hem eller vidare.
Hon fann en homosexuell liten asiat som förälskade sig i hennes blonda hår, hennes konstiga sätt att prata tyska och engelska på samma gång. Han fascinerades över hennes långa ben och sorglösa sorg, hur hon skrattade när hon borde gråta och grät när hon var som lyckligast. Tillsammans råkade de ta Ketamin när de trodde att det var tjack, hon dog, men vaknade upp till musiken som aldrig tog slut den sommaren. Asiaten fascinerades över hur hon utan problem drog lina efter lina även när solen hade gått upp och hur hon aldrig längtade efter något annat än att dansa orytmiskt rytmiskt till den elektroniska musiken som pumpades ut ur högtalarna i lagerlokalerna som var vad staden kallade klubbar. Hon dansade den sommaren som hon aldrig hade dansat förut.
Hon bodde tillsammans med en 10 år äldre tyska, som var på jakt efter kärleken, en kärlek som oftast slutade med sex i hennes badkar och sedan ett trött bakfullt adjö – "Ruf mich an" sa Tyskan, "Ja klar" sa mannen, och sedan sågs de kanske aldrig igen och allt var sig likt.
Själv jagade Flikkan bara ruset utan en tanke på kärlek eller ens kropp mot kropp. Hon kissade obekymrat på solkiga toaletter och kikade in genom springor på män som ohämmat tog ut vartenda sexuell tanke de haft på varandra. Hon fascinerades av de vackra männen och deras ohämmade lust men hon kände inte ens en längtan eller ett sug. Ibland somnade hon utmattad tillsamman med en av dem, hon kallade honom Frodo och han älskade henne som lille Toto älskade Dorothy och hon älskade nog honom tillbaka.
Tyskan lagade soppa och de delade flaskor av bubblande sötsliskigt vin, som de serverade sig själva i halvlitersglas med is. De satt där i den nergående solen och Tyskan berättade om hur det var att växa upp i en diktatur i Europas hjärta, om hennes första jeans efter att muren föll. Fascinerande, en annan värld som nu var försvunnen även om staden hade sina ärr, inuti och utanpå. Tillsammans gick de ut, fnittrande som om de inte visste vad som skulle hända, hon och Tyskan, Tyskan hittade allt som oftast en man eller två, en snabb affär bakom en toalett, sedlar och påsar bytte händer, och sedan in på toaletten för kvällens första. Flikkan älskade hur energin sakta spred sig från insidan till utsidan och hon dansade, musiken blev till den hon var. Asiaten mötte upp med henne, presenterade sin nya pojkvän, hon nickade glatt och dansade bort, det var hennes sommar.
Det var också sommaren hon träffade honom, han som hon i åratal skulle tråna efter på avstånd. Han som var allt hon någonsin drömt om, men som hon aldrig riktigt kunde få grepp om. Han höll henne så ömt och hon kröp nära honom, hon kysste honom och långsamt kysste han henne, hans armar om hennes kropp väckte en lust och längtan som hon begravt på en annan kontinent. Musiken dunkande runt henne och för första gången började blodet dunka i takt, och hon längtade efter att dansa, på riktigt, hon vaknade ur en lång dvala, hon skakade sitt huvud, men det var försent. Hon hade redan tappad bort honom och återigen dansade hon ensam, men känslan av hans händer på hennes nakna rygg hade etsat sig fast, för evigt och evigt.
Och varje gång de ses på på Stockholms gator, tänds den lilla lågan av hopp, hennes hopp, men hon nöjer sig med vänskap, för att älska skrämmer henne, men mest av allt att förlora.
... och jag
Vit som snö var brudens klänning...
Hennes sista steg innan livet tog slut
Blodspår i snön
Valet var hennes och inte mitt
Du ver hennes och inte min
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hösten 2006 och jag
Jag skulle egentligen läsa meter efter meter av text, låta skolan ta över mitt liv, men som vanligt var jag lätt förledd och fann mig själv med flaskan i handen, ett lite dyrare vin än natten innan.
Senare på kvällen hamnade jag i hans rum, med en spegel och tre snövita ränder. Ville jag ha en? Nej, jag avböjde, även om tanken lockade mig. Jag lämnade spegeln där på hans skrivbord, gick ut och pratade om politik.
Det får räcka med kemi, jag är labil och instabil. Drack mer av vinet som stod på bordet.
Senare på kvällen delade jag på den vita remsan av kvarlämnad snö med honom, tog två sömntabletter som jag sköljde ner med mer vin. Han är ju i alla fall inte en tillfällig famn, bara semi-tillfällig, en vecka till, en månad till... får se hur länge han står ut eller när jag tar slut.
Den där sommaren och jag
Det regnade och regnet var varmt och blåbären blev våta och vi skrattade. Jag klamrade mig fast vid vartenda sekund, vi drack vin och åt bullar, sallad och rabarberkaka.
Hon skrattade åt mig, jag skrattade åt honom, han skrattade med oss.
Jag skuttade mellan stenar och bränningar och mindes barndomens skärgårds somrar, något de inte minns, för de växte inte upp vid Östersjöns algblommande kust. De hade inte stått i galonbyxor och spanat efter grynnor.
Ändå var de vid min sida den där sommaren, när jag trodde jag skulle dö.
Nils Ferlin sa det för länge sedan och jag
att mina ögon var sorgsna
ty jag skrattade mycket.
Du märkte det
och du frågade ofta varför.
Då skrattade jag - återigen,
och kanhända jag sa
att allas ögon kan väl inte vara
så glada som dina.
Men jag lyckades aldrig narra dej
och jag såg du förstod
eller anade
att vi inte skulle vara tillsammans
- tillnärmelsevis
så där länge som visorna
och vi själva ordat om.
Tegnerlunden och jag
Jag rullade runt i gräset med en främling som jag redan hade glömt namnet på, oskuldsfullt som en midsommarnatssdröm skall vara. En spansk affärsman på genomresa och en svensk flicka med gräsfläckar på ryggen.
Jag minns bara doften av jord, gräs och porlande vatten och ett skratt som bara väntade på att skutta ut över mina läppar, han ville så mycket och jag hade all denna makt i min hand.
Jag hörde aldrig av mig, men jag minns hur Stockholm lät när jag vandrade hem, barfota och lite lätt småfull och rusig över att jag lärt mig säga nej.
Dansgolvet och jag
Klackar som rytmiskt rör sig över golvet, antagligen i otakt, lite före, lite efter, musiken är inte vad jag egentligen lyssnar på, men det är som det är. Längtar hem lite grann, till den stora mjuka sängen, men inte till den stora ensamheten. Jag fortsätter dansa, tränger mig fram till baren, beställer en vodka tonic, en till mig och vänninnan krånglar sig fram bakom mig. Hon skrattar mot mig, och jag ser kärleksfullt på henne. "Vad skulle jag vara utan henne?" Tanken skrämmer mig. I tio år har vi varit vänner, för många år sedan, gömde vi sprit utanför krogen, i snön, och sedan spenderade hon de sista timmarna med att bekanta sig med totaletten. Ett halvår senare delade vi lägenhet i en fjärran ort och studerade tillsammans.
Ständiga singlar, ständigt påväg, det kanske ligger i vår natur, jag vandrar otåligt fram och tillbaka över världen, och hon ständigt någonstans i min väg.
Jag ger henne drinken och säger att jag älskar henne, hon ler tillbaka och svarar med samma fras som alltid : "Du och jag, du och jag..."
Det skämmer mig lite ibland, att hon en dag skall hitta den perfekta mannen hon förtjänar att finna, att hon skall starta det där Svensson-livet vi i hemlighet förundrar oss över. "Han där, vad tycker du om honom?" Jag rycker på axlarna, han är snygg, det ger jag henne, hennes typ av kille är spensligare och mörkare än vad jag föredrar. Jag vet att hon har ett magiskt sätt att prata med människor, att får dem att le mot henne, hon får dem intresserade. Jag vet att min magi ligger i mitt leende, i mitt sätt att röra mig, jag luktar sex lång väg. Medfött kanske? Men rusiga män kommer ofta fram till mig, med ögon som lovar mycket, men som håller fram till småtimmarna, när jag trött inser att det inte riktigt var värt det...
Jag låter musiken återigen föra mina två vänsterfötter ut på golvet, jag bryr mig som vanligt inte om hurvida jag ser bedårande ut eller inte. Om några timmar stänger de i alla fall, och skönheten ligger ju betraktarens ögon....
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tvåsamheten och jag
Men som det är nu, så vet jag, men ändå så tror jag att det kommer gå fel.
De förbjudna och jag
Han omfamnar mig, låter min kropp komma nära hans, vi står under en gatlykta och han böjer sig ner som för att kyssa mig.
Jag vill fly, men min kropp svarar i ett desperat; JA - TA MIG HÄR OCH NU, och jag kysser honom med alla de känslor jag glömt och gömt.
Han låter sina händer vandra över min kropp, och jag trycker mig hungrigt mot honom. Jag vill ha honom, tre års av lust har dämts inom mig, väntat och undrat. Jag låter mina händer krypa in under hans skjorta och jag undrar om han också har drömt.
Men han är så annorlunda mot mig, jag kan aldrig tänka mig att han ligger vaken på nätterna och funderar över hur han ska få mig naken i sin säng. Jag darrar när han böjer sig ned för att återigen fånga mina läppar med sina.
Jag kan inte låta bli att vilja, vilja att det ska gå snabbare. Ölen som vi precis avslutade femton minuter tidigare sköljer genom mina vener, och stillar inte mitt redan bubblande blod. Jag känner hur jag blygnar, men blygsel kömpar mot lust. Jag vet att jag borde spela spel, att jag bara borde låta honom kyssa mig för att sedan säga att det är sent, att det är dags att gå.
Men jag kan inte, jag har älskat honom på avstånd så länge, så länge... jag har spenderat middagar och utenätter med honom, jag har skrattat med honom på Debaser, sett hur han gått hem med någon annan. Jag har alltid skrattat, druckit och aldrig frågat. En eller två gånger har jag kanske frågat om han ville sova sked, men enkla SMS blev sena och komplicerade och jag låtsades som det regnade i slutet.
Jag brinner, hans händer får min kropp att sakta smälta, och jag vill känna doften av hans nakna hud mot min, jag vill känna hur han vill ha mig lika mycket som jag vill ha honom. Men jag vet att jag kommer vakna i ett vinterblekt ljus, med bitter eftersmak, för han älskade min kropp för en natt, och jag älskar honom för den han är, inte bara för en natt, och jag är komplicerad. Jag är ett pussel som lagts för många gånger och bitar har tappats bort.
Jag kommer att titta på honom och veta att det är han, men sedan kommer jag vilja springa och allt är förstört.
Så jag står där i ljuset från gatlyktan och bara undrar, och när han böjer sig ned, jag känner hans andedräkt på mina läppar, hela kroppen darrar, men jag kramar honom lite hårdare, ger honom en snabb puss på munnen, som vanligt... och skyndar vidare...