Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The city swirls

I am just one of many in this city, I live among them all, I have no cause and no purpose and I walk the streets and people walk by my side but they never see me. I walk like the ghost of a person I am. I follow someone into a bar, I sit next to them, see how they order a drink, how their lips get wet when they drink it. How their eyes widen in the sudden shock of alcohol from the shot that pours down the throat. I just sit there and study. Today I watch this one strager who seem to drown her sorrows, it takes five shots and five beers before she turns to me. She looks past me, her eyes look at me but don't see me. Her eyes wanders and I wonder who she is, and she stands up and leaves the bar, and I stay and order and waits for someone new to sit on the chair she just left empty.