Monday, August 30, 2010

The dreams of her and me

Cobblestones made her heels slip and she held onto my shoulder, not my hand but my shoulder, I probably should have known by then. We were walking towards the venue, and for once she was letting me come to her show, a show that the newspaper had written up as one of the best of the season. Usually she would kiss me goodbye and walk out, leaving me staring at the wall, not wanting to ask for her to bring me with. I was fighting not to ask for her permission to come with, I wanted her to invite me, to want me around. She never did, so I worked up my confidence to ask her to bring me.

I couldn’t tell if she was thrilled or bothered by me asking, and I did not want to bother her with my questions, so I just came the night she took me. And now I did not know if I regretted it or not, her face covered in make-up made her into a creature I did not recognize, her body so familiar to me felt like the body of a stranger, restricted in a corset, stays and her feet in pointy heels, making her a head taller than me.

She took her clothes off on stage, with a greater feeling than she ever did in our bedroom, she smiled seductive towards the audience but I knew her eyes were seeking mine, all the doubts I ever had about her loving me were gone, in the second out eyes locked and our souls kissed. Her bra dropped and her tassels twirled, the adience was quiet and I knew she was mine. Forever and ever and ever…

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